september 2024


watching: negative legend show reviews
feeling: meh (;_;)

hiiii i don't have much to say as of late. i've been getting into volunteering at an animal rescue organization's events regularly, and it's been a lot of fun hanging out with the cats for a few hours. i held hands with one yesterday and that was cool :) i was surprised she was chill with it lol. i also got a lot of gifts from my internship today, specifically 5 BAGS OF GUMMY BEARS AND 3 CARTONS OF MINUTE MAID JUICES. which is insane cause i wasn't expecting it. they had sent us an email asking us our favorites and then delivered some CRAZY amounts of stuff which was really nice.

i really wanna work on the site some more but my meds are not working as of late lol (that's a whole new thing i may talk about later) but i don't have any energy to code but i really want to work on it... something will happen soon hopefully! or i'll get new meds!! we'll see!!!


listening: vocaloid/jpop/anime intros
feeling: SO EXCITED

TODAY I BOUGHT MY DREAM CONSOLE!!!!!!!! if you're not new here, you might remember the "pls give me 600 dollars so i can make a sega dreamcast blog for u all" marquee at the top of my "about me" page. WELL. IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED!! I BOUGHT A DREAMCAST TODAY!! i'm soooo fucking excited actually. i was originally going to get one last summer, but i ended up getting a PS5 instead because my teachers convinced me that a dreamcast wasn't any fun and didn't have good games. tbh, idk why i even listened to them because i had done my research beforehand... i already knew what i wanted to play (games like sa2, space channel 5, chu chu rocket, seaman...) and that i would likely enjoy it. oh well! it's okay because i have one now YIPPEE ∩( ✧Д✧)∩

originally i was going to get this ebay listing with a boxed hello kitty blue edition dreamcast (which is sooooo pretty btw) but i ended up just getting this one bc $100 is a lot less than +$600 and i really only wanted the hk one for the looks and the keyboard. any dreamcast will play games! i won't be able to test it until i get home at the end of the month, provided i find some way to keep it safe on the plane.

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut not only did i get a dreamcast i got an NES!!!! (funded by my parents thank you o7) idk if they bought it to help me with my collection or for nostalgia (or both) but WE WIN REGARDLESS! i'm gonna keep an eye out for contra to get for them to play as thanks :) they love that game lol. i also got super mario bros + duck hunt for the nes and mario kart 64 while i was out. an eventful shopping day indeed ( ̄ロ ̄;)


watching: ghibli movies
feeling: no clue -_-

hellooooo first entry of the month yay! i would've done one yesterday but i was dead tired after the kikuo concert i went to! (✩ ์ ᴗ ์✩) it was like a crazy rave but i had a lot of fun. it did rain the entire first half though, which would've been fine but it was an outdoor concert. i have a personal grudge against water, avoid it whenever i can, so this was a bit annoying щ(゚Д゚щ) luckily, it wasn't heavy rain... i did buy some merch while i was there tho! i spent 65 usd (ouch) on a kikuo world t-shirt and sticker pack which i'm pretty happy about :3 i was on the fence about spending so much money but then i thought to myself, "this is a once in a lifetime experience and good chance to get kikuo merch, so buy that tshirt!!!"

today was my last day of break, i have tomorrow off too but i have 2 fly back to school so my day is mostly transit. not to mention i have to wake up super early to go to the doctor and have a psych appt b4 i go back to school... eugh. i don't mind either, i'd just rather go when my brain is actually working.

on my first day home i had to get my hair washed and random people came to my house. they had a little girl who was absolutely hacking up a lung and the coughs were so wet i wished she'd leave- my germ cautiousness was stronger than usual from being paranoid about the plane the previous day. plus she kept pointing a nerf gun at me. she certainly kept me on edge.

on the second day of break i had to get my hair rebraided, + the kikuo concert after. i had a splitting headache because my hair was braided so tightly. my mom asked for it to be looser but the lady said "it is already so loose!" AND KEPT GOING!!! (ʘ言ʘ╬) i had trouble getting to sleep that night because just touching my scalp hurt (_ _|||)

today, i spent most of my day writing the new she-ra shrine. content-wise, it's my first finished shrine in site history! yay!! i also watched castle in the sky and finished the second half of spirited away. castle in the sky pissed me off bc it was sooo pretty but reminded me of how terrible people can be. that "king of laputa" guy was so annoying!!! animation remains unbeated as my favorite artistic medium though. after my ghibli rewatches i watched a bunch of video essays. those were good as well, but throughout the entire day i was plagued by some kind of crazy pulsing headache that just would NOT go away.maybe it's bc i forgot to take my antidepressants for a few days (oops), lack of hydration, both, neither, who knows. the last of my paychecks from my summer job came in today so i have more money now. so who cares!