welcome to angel's landing v1.5


what the heck happened here?

hey! if you're a returning visitor, i bet you're wondering where all the stuff went. the button carousel, the purple cat, that type of thing. well, as mentioned on the landing page, angel's landing is currently under crazy heavy construction. as i've worked on this site, i've gained a lot more experience than i had when i started. i think it is best for the site if i start over and rewrite everything from the ground up. css color variables, actually wrapping text in paragraph tags, a uniform theme in css, those type of things. hopefully this makes it easier for me to expand on the site in the future!

what about the stuff that was here before?

most of the old pages will be migrated here. as i move things, i'm focusing on the content first. as a result, most (if not all of the site) will be primarily text based with minimal styling like this page. cake and its lovely purple (and maybe some new variants...?) will make their return in due time, accompanied by some newer, cooler things. i promise!